
Tuesday, May 05, 2009


For once common sense seems to have prevailed. It only took a walkout by 400 students and lobbying by numerous people in the community.

As many of you know a few weeks ago a Korean kid in a small town near barrie was verbally assaulted and punched before he reacted in proportional self defence which resulted in the bully getting a broken nose.

This article by Margaret Wente pretty well goes through the stupidity of the entire situation and how getting parents involved and keeping things out of the courts really has led to good, common sense solution far more in keeping with the situation

I just don't get how our education policy has gotten so far removed from reality. Even when I was in high school, if you hit someone regardless of the reason you were suspended. Now the kids who usually cause the trouble don't care if they get sustended which is why they do stuff like that. Clearly their parents don't either. Now the kids facing the bully's or others usually only strike back after ongoing and intense mental and physical assault.

Personally, I find nothing wrong with throwing a puch to let some jack-ass know you'll not be bullied. I do find something horribly wrong with punishing the victims. Walking into a school and stabbing someone is a felony. Protecting yourself is just that, self-defence. This should have been quietly sorted out between the students and their parents without any suspensions or police involvement from the get go.

Thankfully, in this case. Common sense prevailed. I fear in all to many other cases it does not.




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