
Sunday, November 02, 2008


Now for those of you who know me you'll know that I am and have been a rather large fan of Sen. McCain, especially 8 years ago when he was running against W for the R nomination. This has not changed. I have an enormous respect for Sen. McCain and still feel that he, not that monkey in a suit, should have been president over the past 8 years.

However, the McCain of 2008 is not the same McCain as 2000. Sen. Obama has so impressed me since his address in 2004 that I not only hope he wins but feel history demands that he will win. It is his time and time that the world look for hope rather than fear, peace of mind rather than anger. He offers these things where McCain seems to offer nothing but the same GOP nonsense.

I cannot wait for Tuesday!

Soon I hope Canada will have a strong alternative to the governing Conservative Party which has laid the foundation to ruin our nation. It has spat on arts and culture, reneged on legally binding provisions of international law, continued to allow our health care system to degrade, provided simple cuts to the sales tax without helping anyone but those already able to afford material goods (good lord, cut income tax if you want to help people you idiots - your leader claims to be an economist but I can't see any evidence of that unless it was a degree from corn flakes university), fired independent civil servants for doing their jobs while branding them partisans which is completely without fact, and taken the easy road on softwood lumber rather than the right road among many other bloody stupid decisions over the past 2 years.

I long for the day when we can get the CPC out via as good an alternative for Canada as Obama has been for the US.

Perhaps our next election will yield such a result.




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