
Wednesday, April 16, 2008


With the resignation of Rick Hillier comes the loss of something this country desperately needs, real leadership. Gen. Hillier was the pinacle of leadership in a sea of partisan baffoons (on all sides of the political spectrum) and silent bureaucrats.

Let us hope that his successor is cut from, if not the same, a similar cloth. As such let us hope his replacement is Lt. Gen. Leslie. I've met Gen. Leslie a few times and truly believe he will continue Gen. Hillier's legacy of leadership.




  • It is, of course, an odd time to be leaving the role. I suspect something is afoot... it wouldn't surprise me, at all, if the Grits tried to run Hiller against Mackay in Central Nova

    By Blogger Kirk Schmidt, at 9:50 AM  

  • Not sure Hillier is the 'political type' although I think he'd be good at it.

    I'm also not sure, if he were inclined to run, that he'd run for the Grits. I'm inlcinded to think that running him in newfoundland would allow for a 'really good' defence minister and break danny williams 'any one but concervative' campaign.

    But as I say, i'm not convinced he's political.

    By Blogger Patrick, at 2:03 PM  

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