So another year another halloween. This one went pretty well. First off, we got a lot more kids at the door than last year which was great! Its nice to actually see kids outside, doing normal things and not sitting on their butts at home waching tv or playing with that facebook thing some of the yung'uns are into these days.
Anyway after the kiddies stopped coming we took a walk aroud and saw some great 'grown up' costumes. There were 5 guys dressed like tetris pieces that all fit together (with some minor acrobatics), there was a guy dressed like Mr. Peanut (inlcuding the monacle) and a couple dressed like Dog the bounty hunter and his wife. Possibely one of the more impressive costumes
were four guys dressed perfectly like Ghostbusters (with inflatable proton packs).
As for me... I dressed up like the travelocity gnome. It was fun.
Overall very impressive!